Welcome to
Scribbles and Scrolls
Hi! I'm Isabel
The Bookworm Behind Scribbles and Scrolls

Hi everyone!
I'm Isabel! I grew up in the Bay Area, California, and now am living in the West Midlands, England! Other than reading and writing, I love Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99, and playing World of Warcraft!
I have always, always loved books. I was read to until I could read myself, and ever since I've been a voracious bookworm! I truly believe you should read what interests you, and so I can be found with the latest YA bestseller, a New Adult romance, a 1000 page epic fantasy, a beloved classic circa 1850, or anything in between! I especially love fantasy, paranormal, magical realism, and anything with a strong plot, awesome characters, and writing that I can't stop reading.
I am also a writer who is represented by Taylor Martindale Kean at Full Circle Literary. You can find my bio on their website here! I am currently in the process of pitching my work to publishers, so sometimes I'll post writing updates and writerly posts! But this blog will mainly have reviews (of old favorites, new reads, and ARCS), bookish lists, and general bookish thoughts about all my favorite books. I hope that you'll find some new favorite books too!
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Thanks for checking out my blog! If you want to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.
Publishers and authors, I am very willing to read and review ARCs and/or completed novels and post about them on both my blog and my bookish twitter and bookstagram. Feel free to shoot me an email or come and say hi on my social media!