REVIEW: Immortal Reign
Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes (Falling Kingdoms #6)
Page Count: 391 pages
Release Date: February 6, 2018
My Rating: 3.5/5

Goodreads Synopsis:
As two lethal elemental gods set out to destroy Mytica, sworn enemies must become allies in the final fight to save the kingdoms. Jonas continues to willfully defy his destiny, but the consequences of plotting his own course are drastic. As the fight for Mytica rages on, he must decide just how much more he's willing to sacrifice. Lucia knows there's something special about her daughter and she'll do anything to protect her, even if that means facing Kyan alone. Amara is called back home to Kraeshia. Grandma Cortas has her own plans for Mytica's future. She promises Amara power, revenge, and dominance if she agrees to be part of her scheme. Magnus and Cleo's love will be put to the ultimate test. Dark magic is causing widespread destruction throughout the kingdom. Enemies across the sea are advancing. And unrest is stirring throughout the land. Is their love strong enough to withstand the outside forces tearing them apart?
My Review:
Definitely a satisfying conclusion to this saga! What can you expect from this book? Murder, possession, revenge, romance, more murder. I've said it before and I'll say it again: CLEO AND MAGNUS ARE THE BEST PART OF THIS SERIES. I stand by that. They are individually great characters, and I love seeing them interact. They're both relatable in their own ways, and I felt really connected with their storylines.
^^^ Cleo & Magnus *swoons* The (hundreds of) other characters?! Not so much. There were too many POVs for my taste - and POVs of minor, random characters - and so much switching about between them that I never felt truly invested (except in the case of Magnus and Cleo). Jonas continued on his upward trend - he's still sort of frustrating and still makes bad decisions about EVERYTHING, but he's not as annoying. And Lucia? In my opinion she didn't develop hardly at all. I thought Jonas made bad choices, but Lucia tornados through this book with almost no regard for anyone besides herself and what she wants, or what she (mostly mistakenly) believes is right. Magnus continues to only see the best in her, which is the only annoying thing about Magnus.
^^^ me @ Lucia Although the danger never seemed TOO tangible (I felt that the gang was in much more danger in previous books) the ending was still satisfying and all loose ends were wrapped up well. All in all, a good series conclusion!